Actually, deciding how to take the next step depends on the ability and desire of each person. Therefore, each individual must find the answer for himself. In this article, Jellyfish will help you navigate job opportunities after studying in Japan!

I. The advantages of Japanese international students

1. Language

The biggest advantage of an international student is the language. The learning and living environment in Japan plays a huge role in language acquisition. Compared with other language learners in Vietnam, international students have more contact and therefore the style and way of speaking will be more natural.

Also, if you already have good English and want to learn more Japanese, you can learn English learning program Japanese University yes!

2. Understanding Japanese culture and manners

Being in a Japanese environment and being able to interact regularly with native speakers helps international students improve not only the language but also understanding Japanese society and people . The living and working style of the Japanese is very different from that of the Vietnamese. Therefore, understanding their thinking and behavior is a great advantage to help you quickly integrate in the environment of Japanese companies.

3. Independence

Going to school away from home is already a good living environment to practice independence; What’s more, studying alone is far from home in a foreign country. Having to “self-advocate” will help international students train themselves to be more independent, confident and mature.

4. New perspective

As an international student, you have a Vietnamese way of thinking, but at the same time you can understand the Japanese way of thinking. Therefore, you can analyze an event in many different ways of thinking. This flexibility makes you more special in the eyes of that employer.

II. Job opportunities after studying in Japan

1. Working in Japan

Many international students after completing their studies in Japan want to stay and look for work. There are many benefits of working in Japan. The average salary in Japan is quite high; and work experience in Japan later is very valuable for the career of international students; even if you want to settle permanently in Japan or return to Vietnam.

To be able to successfully find a job in Japan, you need to have clear goals from the start. The recruitment process of Japanese companies is quite complicated, so if you don’t research carefully, your chances of finding a job are very low.

The process of finding a job in Japan usually has 5 steps:

– Pre-entry: Currently, most companies will hire through major job search sites in Japan, like Rikunabi hay Mynavi. First, you need to register an account on these sites, then start looking for companies. If you like a company, you can register to apply for that company. After participating in the application, you will receive information about company introduction sessions.

– Entry-sheet (エントリーシート, ES): Companies will ask candidates to submit ES and CV in company presentations. ES will often ask questions like why you are interested in their company; how do you see your future at their company; and questions about the candidate’s ability.

– SPI (Synthetic Personality Inventory) is a personality and mindset test used by many Japanese companies. In addition, many companies have their own tests; but the test content is mostly the same.

– Interview (面接): This is the most important round, directly affecting your ability to get the job. Usually companies will have 2 to 3 rounds of interviews. The first round of interviews with the company’s human resources department. Round 2 with the head of the department you applied for. Round 3 is with corporate governance duties.

– Get a job (内定): This is the most effortless stage; But it’s the most stressful time. It usually takes about 2 weeks to receive the results.

2. Returning home to find a job

For many international students, the working environment in Japan is not suitable for them. Therefore, they want to return to Vietnam to find a job that can provide a more ideal working environment; while still being able to take advantage of their linguistic and professional abilities.

Job opportunities for returning international students are also not few. More and more Japanese companies are coming to Vietnam. And therefore, the demand for people who can speak Japanese is very high

3. Going to another country to find a job

For those of you who have English, the opportunity to find a job in a third country is not bad! The reason is because not only in Vietnam but also Japanese companies in other countries, they desperately need people who can work in multiple languages. If you have Japanese and English capital; plus solid expertise and understanding of Japanese people and corporate culture, you are a formidable opponent compared to that native speaker.

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